iCheckgate Dashboard

CORE Module

IT Infrastructure Consultancy

IT infrastructure comprises the arrangement of hardware and network resources, along with the necessary facilities, to enable the delivery of information. This setup includes servers, laptops, storage devices, an integrated power management system, and networking equipment, which consists of an Internet-leased line with an IP54 rack and various switches.


iBOX® is the central processing unit of the entire system, employing trained models to analyze extensive datasets. It executes a range of tasks, including the identification of minerals, the classification of vehicle types, the recognition of vehicle numbers, data processing, and the creation of time-stamped dataset bundles.


mDSS® offers a live data preview to iCheckGate®, facilitating the real-time monitoring and identification of violations in alignment with mining department policies. It oversees operations linked to the mCheck App, facilitating the issuance of e-notices during on-site inspections. Additionally, mDSSTM manages weighbridge activities, addresses anomalies, and oversees e-notice management. This system plays a pivotal role in enforcing regulations and upholding compliance within the mining industry.


mCHECK® is designed for on-the-spot verification of transit passes and detecting illegal transportation-related offenses. It uses information such as transit pass numbers, QR codes, vehicle numbers, and chassis numbers to identify and verify transit passes. It also assists in identifying fraudulent transit passes and generating alerts for pending notices.


Vehicle identification system that streamlines and enhances the tracking of mineral transportation within the state.

RFID Hand-held Reader

Empowering on-spot vehicle and transit pass inspections for effective prevention of illegal mineral transportation.

mAlert® Health Monitoring System

Health Monitoring | Case Monitoring | Expenses Monitoring | Evidence Monitoring

The Health Monitoring System oversees the operational status of the hardware equipment integrated into the IT infrastructure. It encompasses components dedicated to monitoring hardware health, tracking case statuses, managing expenses, and monitoring evidence.